When Your Boss Is Younger Than You
We hear a lot about demographics in the workplace and the challenges it creates. One that causes particular stress is when an older worker must report to a much-younger boss. Are you in this situation? Rather than stressing about how this relationship is going to work, here are ways you can make it succeed: Forget…
In The End, You Will Regret The Risks You Never Took
A friend of mine, Peter, whom I hadn’t seen in a while, approached me at an event recently. I put out my right hand to shake hands but, as I did, he awkwardly extended his left hand instead. I hadn’t noticed that his right arm was in a sling, held tight to his body. When…
What’s the Best Career Advice You’ve Ever Received?
Is it better to be interviewed first? Or last? Or somewhere in between? When asked, I have usually defaulted to anecdotal evidence. Some say it is better to be interviewed first to leave a strong first impression and become the standard that all others must match. Others say being interviewed first is not good. That’s…
10 Behaviours That Could Get You Fired
We all misbehave occasionally. And while one slipup, on its own, might be overlooked by your boss, the cumulative effect of bad behaviour can be costly to your career. Here are 10 behaviours that could get you in big trouble: 1. Bad body language. Actions often speak louder than words. And your non-verbal behaviour may…
Didn’t Get the Job? What to Do Next.
It’s disheartening when you don’t get a job you really wanted. The news can be even harder to take if you’ve been looking for a job for a long time and have received numerous rejections. Most people will tell you to “accept it and move on”—which is the right thing to do—but that is easier…
How to Prepare For a Second Interview
For many jobs, the employer will want to interview you more than once before making the final hiring decision. The first interview—often conducted by HR—is primarily a screening interview to determine if you meet the minimum requirements of the job. When they have met several candidates, they will narrow that list to the candidates who…
Useless Career Advice That Everyone Gives
One thing there is no shortage of is useless career advice from well-meaning friends, family, teachers, and career counsellors. Even though their advice is genuine, often it won’t help with your job search. You should politely say “thanks” and move on. I am curious to hear what career advice you’ve received that hasn’t helped. Here…
How to Keep Your Job if Your Employer is Signaling Downsizing
It may make no sense, but even in strong economic times some companies still downsize. Possibly the company is readying itself for sale and needs to reduce costs. Or perhaps it has merged with another company and now there are redundant positions. If you are hearing rumours of downsizing—for whatever reason— in your company, it…
Use the Cover Email to Improve Your Job Chances
You may be surprised to learn many job applicants think that “Hey” is an appropriate greeting for an email when applying for a job. While you may expect this from a young person applying for their first job, I see it from people of all ages and for all types of jobs. It’s not just…
10 Lies We Tell Ourselves When Looking for A Job
Looking for a job can be terribly frustrating especially when it’s taking a lot longer than you hoped. Sometimes there are legitimate barriers. Perhaps you lack certain skills or the economy happens to be soft in your field. But often, the source of the problem is a set of false assumptions many of us have…